Lewis Family Photos and History
Lewis Family History |
The Lewis history took root in Oak Grove, Kentucky with Winston and Adelaide Collier Lewis. This union produced five children: Martha, Merritt Sr., Fannie, Milan, and Winston.
Merritt Lewis, Sr. married Aela Pendleton (see section on Perkins Family). They became the parents of seven (7) children: Fannie, Winston, Easter, Myra, Joyce, Mary, and another child that died with Aela during childbirth. Later on Merritt, Sr. married Laquel Louise Perkins (see section on Perkins Family). This union brought forth twelve (12) children: June Adelaide, Merritt Jr., Shirley, Milan, Marshall (died shortly after birth), Luther, Roy Lee, Wilber Eugene, Joseph, Robert, Orville, and Juanita.
Martha Lewis Warfield Richardson had two children: Charles and Thomas Warfield. Charles had three children: Doris Lee, Charles Gordon, and Donald Warfield. Thomas had no children.
Fannie May Lewis Galbreath Bridgeforth was united in marriage to John F. Galbreath and to this union were six children of whom two preceded her in death. The four remaining children are John F. Galbreath Jr., who died in 1993, Lewis B. Galbreath, Christine C. Galbreath Street, and Betty J. Galbreath Miller. Before her death Fannie May had eighteen grandchildren and twenty-five great grandchildren. |