Bryant-Perkins-Lewis Family Reunion
Bryant-Perkins-Lewis Family Reunion

2019 Reunion Theme:

"A Link to the Past, A Bridge to the Future."

Bryant Family Photos and History


Bryant Family History

Based upon past research, it is believed that the Bryant family actually originated in North Carolina. Census information confirms that Alexander and Mariah Bryant were living in Tennessee in 1850 as free inhabitants with their five daughters. All of their children were born in Tennessee except Alexander who was born in North Carolina.

It is believed that one of these daughters, Mariah, went on to have a child by James Poindexter Johnson. This person is better known as Bill Johnson or Grandpa Bill. Pictures are available of him but not Mariah as far as it is known. This union produced one son named James Wilson Bryant. Born in Woodlawn, Tennessee, he became the husband of Addie Dinkins. They resided in Clarksville, Tennessee and were the parents of eight children named Lewis Garfield Bryant, Roland Bryant, Thelmar Bryant, Molandus Bryant, Pauline Bryant Ransom, Laura Bryant Levell, Tula Bryant Perkins, and Olla Browdy O’Neal. 

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