Contact Info: Joseph Lewis;; (615)283-3110
The BPL 2023 Family Reunion Committee's diligently planning to provide one of the best Bryant Perkins Lewis Family Reunion experiences to date for our fabulous family.
To communicate with the BPL 2023 Family Reunion Committee at this time, please use the following phone or email address:
Contact Info:
Joseph Lewis;; (615) 283-3110
Reunion Business Meeting Minutes - July 30, 2022
Bryant Perkins Lewis Family Reunion 2022
Business Meeting Minutes
Saturday July 30, 2022
Call to Order – National Chairperson Joseph Lewis at 9:47 am
Prayer – Wilbur Eugene Lewis Sr.
Minutes – National Recording Secretary read 2019 Business Meeting Minutes; Moved to
approve; minutes received
Reunion Years
Even years have conflicted with at least two family reunions
Florida Committee would rather wait to host the reunion in 2024 or 2025
It was proposed that a small event could be held in 2023 to get back on track for odd years,
and the Florida reunion could be held in 2025
Proposed Question: Should the family reunions go back to odd years, which is reflected in the
current bylaws, or should they be changed to even years?
Official Vote, Counted by Robert Lewis
60 – odd years
3 – even years
Current bylaws will be sustained
Small Reunion & Florida Reunion
It was suggested to have a picnic or family celebration in 2023 in Tennessee or somewhere
Florida Committee would prefer to do a small event in 2023 and host the next reunion in 2025
Eugene Lewis volunteered to host the small 2023 event in Tennessee
Motion to have small 2023 event in Tennessee and the Florida reunion will be held in 2025
Belinda Galbreath moved; Barry Lewis second
Official Vote, Counted by Robert Lewis
Unanimous – A small event will be held in 2023 in Tennessee; Florida reunion will be held in
2025 motion carried
Reunion Dates
School starts the first week in August for many children
Motion to move the reunion from the first weekend in August to the last weekend in July
Quintin Puckett moved, Zalika Lumumba Second
Official Vote, Counted by Robert Lewis
69 – Move reunion to last weekend in July
3 – Keep reunion the first weekend in August
Bylaws will be amended to reflect that the reunion will be held the last weekend in July
Family Reunion Business Meetings
It was proposed that we need a quorum for changing bylaws
Attendance is lacking at the business meetings
Bylaws should not be changed with less than 25% of reunion attendees
already be together
Motion to support a quorum
Robert Lewis moved; Shirley Lewis second
Official Vote, Counted by Robert Lewis
56 – in favor of quorum
2 – not in favor of quorum
1 – abstained
Bylaws will be amended to reflect that 25% of reunion attendees constitutes a quorum, and
bylaws cannot be changed with less than 25% of reunion attendees; motion carried
Host city will determine the time of the Business Meeting
Family Reunion Fees
It was proposed that reunion fees should be waived for family members 90 years and older
years and older, but allow family members between 85 – 89 years old to pay 50% of the
reunion fees
Motion to waive reunion fees for family members 90 years and older and those between 85 and
89 years old will pay 50% of the reunion fees
Valena moved; Teresa Davis second
Official Vote, Counted by Robert Lewis
62 – in favor of waiving reunion fees for family members 90 years and older and 50% waived for
family members 85-89 years old
0 – Opposed
Motion Carried
*** fees waived include only reunion dues
2022 Reunion Attendance
Approximately 250 attendees
2027 Reunion
According to the bylaws, every 10 years, the family reunion is held in Tennessee
A question was proposed regarding whether or not we should have the 2027 reunion in
Tennessee due to the small event that will be hosted by Tennessee in 2023
Official Vote, Counted by Robert Lewis
Majority would like for the 2027 reunion to remain in Tennessee
The 2029 reunion location will be voted on at the 2025 Florida reunion
National Officers
National Chairperson, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Historian,
Parliamentarian, Benevolence, Technology/Graphics
National Officers are voted upon every two years
Motion to keep current national officers unless they have an objection
Shirley Lewis moved, Robert Lewis second; Juanita Smith motion closed; no objections
• June Lynch would like to step down as the Corresponding Secretary
• Mike Nickelson nominated Arlene Moore Ross for Corresponding Secretary
• Arlene Moore Ross wins
• Juanita Smith nominated Alvin Ricky T Smith
• Alvin Ricky T Smith wins
Current BPL National Officers
National Chairperson – Joseph Lewis
National Recording Secretary – Merris Ross-Jones
National Corresponding Secretary – Arlene Moore Ross
National Treasurer – Host City Reunion Chairperson
National Historian – June Lynch
Assistant National Historian – Arlene Moore Ross
Benevolence – Juanita Smith
IS/Technology Officer – Jamin Dion Smith
Parliamentarian – Alvin T Ricky Smith
State Coordinators
Tennessee and Kentucky will be tentatively combined
California – Tentatively keep Bruce Singleton (He is already the coordinator for Arizona)
Georgia – TBD
Illinois – Belinda Galbreath
Juanita will collect benevolence money throughout the reunion; she will accept cash or PayPal
Reunion T-Shirt
It was suggested to allow each host city to design the reunion t-shirt
Discussion Closed
Reunion t-shirts will continue to be designed by each state
Business Meeting Adjourned: 11:02 am